One of the most popular veterinarians on the equally popular Nat Geo Wild program, The Incredible Dr. Pol, most definitely was Dr. Emily.
Viewers appreciated her no-nonsense approach to her animal visits and to even the most difficult situations. When she left the program in 2019 (in an episode aired in 2020), fans were sad to see her go, but glad for her that she struck the right work-life balance for her family at a new veterinary practice.
Here’s what’s new with Dr. Emily and her family.
Dr. Emily was a huge favorite on ‘The Incredible Dr. Pol’
Dr. Emily began working at Dr. Pol’s animal clinic in 2015. Viewers connected with her instantly. Not only was she great with any size animals, she was just so laid back and not easily surprised or frightened. The farmers in the Michigan community realized she could stand up to even the most stubborn cow.
On her blog, This Little Light, Dr. Emily wrote in a post about her first job at a veterinary practice in South Carolina, where she learned she would have to prove herself as a vet simply because she was a woman, and even more so, as a pregnant woman.
“I worked very hard in the coming months to hide my belly with large clothes and coveralls,” Dr. Emily wrote, “but at some point, you just get to the point where you can’t hide that belly anymore. The farmers did notice. They were shocked, surprised, but not one of them told me not to come back or act like they were unwilling to allow me to work on their animals.”
“Not one farmer said one thing to me – except I would get the occasional comment on how impressed they were that ‘a little girl like you can do what you do.’ “
Her children and husband are adjusting to life in Virginia
After leaving Dr. Pol’s practice in 2019, Dr. Emily, her husband, Tony, and their three children moved to Virginia, where she now works in another veterinary practice that allows her greater flexibility. As a mother with a growing family, that is a huge plus.
Her son, Calvin, in fact, is potty training and doing a great job. Dr. Emily posted on her Instagram account that, “CALVIN POOPED IN THE POTTY!!!!!! Welcome to our “Poopy Potty Party” featuring #sparklingcider the winning #mcdonalds bribe, and a very smug toddler who waited out all the bribes until we got to this one. Here’s to sanitary!!”
Her husband, Tony, wrote on her blog that living in Virginia has been a great experience for all.
“Not only are we enjoying all the outdoor activities Virginia has to offer us, [w]e are both enjoying our new jobs. We work together at the same veterinary clinic.”
Dr. Emily on the revelation she recently experienced
The death of George Floyd has affected everyone in the US and around the world in various ways. For Dr. Emily, according to her blog post on the topic, it’s enabled her to see a side of herself she hadn’t before.
“I thought I understood what it meant that I have unwritten privileges that people of color (POC) do not. I thought I got it that when I send someone my resume or have an interview on the phone, I am lucky enough to not have to worry if my name sounded white or if my accent sounded white enough.”
It’s clear Dr. Emily has had a moment of understanding that she wants to impart to her readers without alienating them.
“Try to see the world through the eyes of the unpopular,” she urged, “and try to think of anything you can do to help. Helping can be anything from purposefully hiring a POC (qualified, obviously – and so many are) to just looking deep inside yourself to make a change, then spreading that change to anyone who will listen.”
“It’s 2020 and there’s still leaps and bounds of progress we can make.”