How old is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake? When is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's birthday? Where is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake born? Where did Stephanie Rawlings-Blake grow up from? What's Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's age?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Born: March 17, 1970 (age 53years), Baltimore, Maryland, United States
Is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake married? When did Stephanie Rawlings-Blake get married? Who's Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's married to? (Who's Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's husband / wife)?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Spouse: Kent Blake (m. 2000)
How about Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's parents?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Parents: Pete Rawlings, Nina Rawlings
Does Stephanie Rawlings-Blake have any children? What are the names of Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's children? What are the ages of Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's children?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Children: Sophia Blake
How about Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's education?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Education: Western High School, Oberlin College, MORE
How about Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's party?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Party: Democratic Party
How about Stephanie Rawlings-Blake's previous position?
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Previous position: President of the United States Conference of Mayors (20152016), MORE
How old is Stephanie Rawlings-Blake?
Dixon then defeated Republican Elbert Henderson in the November general election, becoming the first woman as mayor of Baltimore.
Who is the executive director of the NBPA Foundation?
Dixon then defeated Republican Elbert Henderson in the November general election, becoming the first woman as mayor of Baltimore.
Who was the last female mayor of Baltimore?
Dixon then defeated Republican Elbert Henderson in the November general election, becoming the first woman as mayor of Baltimore.
Who was the first woman mayor of Baltimore City?
Dixon then defeated Republican Elbert Henderson in the November general election, becoming the first woman as mayor of Baltimore.