Fame | Rickey Jackson net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Rickey Jackson? When is Rickey Jackson's birthday? Where is Rickey Jackson born? Where did Rickey Jackson grow up from? What's Rickey Jackson's age? Rickey Jackson Born: March 20, 1958 (age 65years), Pahokee, Florida, United States

How old is Rickey Jackson? When is Rickey Jackson's birthday? Where is Rickey Jackson born? Where did Rickey Jackson grow up from? What's Rickey Jackson's age?

Rickey Jackson Born: March 20, 1958 (age 65years), Pahokee, Florida, United States

How about Rickey Jackson's education?

Rickey Jackson Education: University of Pittsburgh, Pahokee IB World High School, University of Pittsburgh College of General Studies

How tall is Rickey Jackson in meters or centimeters?

Rickey Jackson Height: 1.88m

How about Rickey Jackson's number?

Rickey Jackson Number: 57 (New Orleans Saints / Linebacker)

How about Rickey Jackson's position?

Rickey Jackson Position: Linebacker

How about Rickey Jackson's picked date?

Rickey Jackson Picked date: 1981 (New Orleans Saints)

How about Rickey Jackson's year_inducted_shared?

Rickey Jackson Year_inducted_shared: Pro Football Hall of Fame (2010)

How much money did Ricky Jackson get?

After his release, Jackson was awarded $1 million dollars in 2015 in compensation by the state of Ohio for his decades in prison due to the wrongful conviction.

What is Ricky Jackson doing now?

Jackson is now enjoying a life of freedom, and recently got engaged. He is no longer bitter about any of the transgressions that occurred to him, and even met the man who had testified against him, to forgive him for what had happened.

Who is Ricky Jackson?

Rickey Jackson was a teenager living in Cleveland, Ohio, when he was wrongfully sentenced to death. He was a victim of wrongful conviction in the 1975 murder-robbery case of a money order salesman named Harold Franks.

Who was the first Saints player in the Hall of Fame?

"Rickey Jackson becomes first New Orleans Saints player elected to Pro Football Hall of Fame".

