Fame | Nikki Stanton net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Nikki Stanton? When is Nikki Stanton's birthday? Where is Nikki Stanton born? Where did Nikki Stanton grow up from? What's Nikki Stanton's age? Nikki Stanton Born: October 26, 1990 (age 32years), North Bend, Washington, United States

How old is Nikki Stanton? When is Nikki Stanton's birthday? Where is Nikki Stanton born? Where did Nikki Stanton grow up from? What's Nikki Stanton's age?

Nikki Stanton Born: October 26, 1990 (age 32years), North Bend, Washington, United States

Nikki Stanton Team: OL Reign (#7 / Midfielder)

Nikki Stanton Height: 1.7m

After much speculation, Sam Kerr has confirmed she is dating U.S. football star Kristie Mewis after recently separating from long-term partner Nikki Stanton.

COLLEGE - FAIRFIELD UNIVERSITY (2009-2013): After receiving a medical redshirt in 2009, Stanton played four consecutive years for the Stags... Earned three All-MAAC First Team honors between 2011-13...

