Fame | Katia Beauchamp net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Katia Beauchamp? When is Katia Beauchamp's birthday? Where is Katia Beauchamp born? Where did Katia Beauchamp grow up from? What's Katia Beauchamp's age? Katia Beauchamp Born: Austin, Texas, United States

How old is Katia Beauchamp? When is Katia Beauchamp's birthday? Where is Katia Beauchamp born? Where did Katia Beauchamp grow up from? What's Katia Beauchamp's age?

Katia Beauchamp Born: Austin, Texas, United States

How about Katia Beauchamp's education?

Katia Beauchamp Education: Harvard Business School, Vassar College

How about Katia Beauchamp's founded organization?

Katia Beauchamp Founded organization: Birchbox

How old is Katia Beauchamp?

Katia Beauchamp, 29, and Hayley Barna, 28, came up with the idea for their now white-hot company Birchbox -- which delivers a box of beauty samples to subscribers every month -- during their final semester at Harvard Business School and launched the startup months later in September 2010.

What has happened to Birchbox?

Birchbox \u2013 which became famous for selling curated subscription boxes with beauty samples \u2013 was acquired by women's health company FemTec Health in October 2021 for around $45 million.

Who owns Birchbox?

FemTec Health, a women's health company, bought Birchbox in 2021 for about $45 million. The beauty box subscription company was co-founded by Katia Beauchamp in 2010, but the company ran into challenges on its path to scale. In February 2020, Birchbox laid off about 25% of its staff.

