How old is Jared Sullinger? When is Jared Sullinger's birthday? Where is Jared Sullinger born? Where did Jared Sullinger grow up from? What's Jared Sullinger's age?
Jared Sullinger Born: 1992 (age 31years), Columbus, OH
How about Jared Sullinger's education?
Jared Sullinger Education: Ohio State University (20102012), Northland High School
How about Jared Sullinger's team?
Jared Sullinger Team: Shenzhen Leopards (Forward)
How tall is Jared Sullinger in meters or centimeters?
Jared Sullinger Height: 6 9
How about Jared Sullinger's salary?
Jared Sullinger Salary: 5.628million USD (2016)
How about Jared Sullinger's weight?
Jared Sullinger Weight: 270lbs
How about Jared Sullinger's picked date?
Jared Sullinger Picked date: 2017 (Phoenix Suns), 2016 (Toronto Raptors), MORE
What happened to Jared Sullinger?
On June 29, 2012, Sullinger was selected with the 21st overall pick in the 2012 NBA draft by the Boston Celtics. On July 3, he signed his rookie scale contract with the Celtics. On November 17, he recorded his first double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds in a 107\u201389 win over the Toronto Raptors.
Are Jared and Jalen Sullinger related?
On June 29, 2012, Sullinger was selected with the 21st overall pick in the 2012 NBA draft by the Boston Celtics. On July 3, he signed his rookie scale contract with the Celtics. On November 17, he recorded his first double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds in a 107\u201389 win over the Toronto Raptors.
How many years did Jared Sullinger play in the NBA?
On June 29, 2012, Sullinger was selected with the 21st overall pick in the 2012 NBA draft by the Boston Celtics. On July 3, he signed his rookie scale contract with the Celtics. On November 17, he recorded his first double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds in a 107\u201389 win over the Toronto Raptors.
What pick was Jared Sullinger?
On June 29, 2012, Sullinger was selected with the 21st overall pick in the 2012 NBA draft by the Boston Celtics. On July 3, he signed his rookie scale contract with the Celtics. On November 17, he recorded his first double-double with 12 points and 11 rebounds in a 107\u201389 win over the Toronto Raptors.