How old is J. Harrison Ghee? When is J. Harrison Ghee's birthday? Where is J. Harrison Ghee born? Where did J. Harrison Ghee grow up from? What's J. Harrison Ghee's age?
J. Harrison Ghee Born: June 16, 1989 (age 34years), Fayetteville, North Carolina, United States
How about J. Harrison Ghee's tv-shows-and-movies?
J. Harrison Ghee Tv-shows-and-movies: Raising Dion, Over My Dead Body
J. has performed all over the world from Tokyo Disney Sea Resort to Norewgian Cruise Line as a lead vocalist. In 2017, he made his Broadway debut as "Lola" in Kinky Boots the musical, after having traveled the world on the international tour in the role.
J Harrison Ghee: Kevin Milstead, Robyn.