How old is Gabriel Ferrer? When is Gabriel Ferrer's birthday? Where is Gabriel Ferrer born? Where did Gabriel Ferrer grow up from? What's Gabriel Ferrer's age?
Gabriel Ferrer Born: August 1, 1957 (age 65years), United States
Is Gabriel Ferrer married? When did Gabriel Ferrer get married? Who's Gabriel Ferrer's married to? (Who's Gabriel Ferrer's husband / wife)?
Gabriel Ferrer Spouse: Debby Boone (m. 1979)
How about Gabriel Ferrer's parents?
Gabriel Ferrer Parents: Rosemary Clooney, Jos Ferrer
How about Gabriel Ferrer's sibling?
Gabriel Ferrer Sibling: Rafael Ferrer, Miguel Ferrer, Monsita Ferrer, Maria Ferrer, MORE
Does Gabriel Ferrer have any children? What are the names of Gabriel Ferrer's children? What are the ages of Gabriel Ferrer's children?
Gabriel Ferrer Children: Tessa Ferrer, Gabi Ferrer, Dustin Boone Ferrer, Jordan Alexander Ferrer
How about Gabriel Ferrer's grandparent?
Gabriel Ferrer Grandparent: Marie Frances Guilfoyle, Andrew Joseph Clooney, Maria Providencia Cintron, Rafael Ferrer
Is Debby Boone still married to Gabriel Ferrer?
Debby lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Gabriel Ferrer, who works as an Episcopal priest.
What is Debby Boone's net worth?
Debby lives in Los Angeles with her husband, Gabriel Ferrer, who works as an Episcopal priest.
Is Pat Boone related to George Clooney?
His mom was legendary singer Rosemary Clooney and his first cousin is George Clooney. Boone went on to record country and Christian music, tour in musical theater and has a new reissued album that pays homage to Las Vegas.
Who is Gabriel Ferrer related to?
Brother of Miguel Ferrer, Rafael Ferrer, Monsita Ferrer Botwick, and Maria Providencia Ferrer Murdock. Son-in-law of Pat Boone and Shirley Boone. Brother-in-law of Cherry Boone, Linda Boone and Laura Boone.