How old is David Cicilline? When is David Cicilline's birthday? Where is David Cicilline born? Where did David Cicilline grow up from? What's David Cicilline's age?
David Cicilline Born: July 15, 1961 (age 61years), Providence, Rhode Island, United States
How about David Cicilline's movies?
David Cicilline Movies: Happy Endings?
How about David Cicilline's sibling?
David Cicilline Sibling: John M. Cicilline
How about David Cicilline's books only?
David Cicilline Books only: House on Fire: Fighting for Democracy in the Age of Political Arson
How about David Cicilline's education?
David Cicilline Education: Georgetown University Law Center (1986), MORE
How about David Cicilline's party?
David Cicilline Party: Democratic Party
How about David Cicilline's previous position?
David Cicilline Previous position: Representative, RI 1st District (20112023), Mayor of Providence (20032011)
What nationality is David Cicilline?
David Nicola Cicilline (/s\u026as\u026a\u02c8li\u02d0ni/; born July 15, 1961) is an American lawyer and politician who served as the U.S. representative for Rhode Island's 1st congressional district from 2011 to 2023.
What towns are in District 1 in Rhode Island?
It includes all of Bristol and Newport counties, along with parts of Providence County, including most of the city of Providence. The district is currently vacant as of the resignation of Democrat David Cicilline, who served from 2011 to 2023.
How many congressional districts are in Rhode Island?
Rhode Island is divided into two congressional districts, each represented by a member of the United States House of Representatives. No Republican has won a House seat in the state since 1990.