How about Brent Jones's game?
Brent Jones Game: 143
How old is Brent Jones? When is Brent Jones's birthday? Where is Brent Jones born? Where did Brent Jones grow up from? What's Brent Jones's age?
Brent Jones Born: 1963 (age 60years), San Jose, CA
How about Brent Jones's receiv_yard?
Brent Jones Receiv_yard: 5,195
Does Brent Jones have any children? What are the names of Brent Jones's children? What are the ages of Brent Jones's children?
Brent Jones Children: Courtney Jones
How tall is Brent Jones in meters or centimeters?
Brent Jones Height: 6 4
How about Brent Jones's picked date?
Brent Jones Picked date: 1987 (San Francisco 49ers)
Is Brent Jones a Hall of Famer?
His father Mike is a former quarterback drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the 1960 NFL Draft. Mike Jones played college football at San Jose State University for the Spartans and is a former high school football coach and teacher.
Where did Brent Jones go to college?
His father Mike is a former quarterback drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the 1960 NFL Draft. Mike Jones played college football at San Jose State University for the Spartans and is a former high school football coach and teacher.
When did Brent Jones retire?
His father Mike is a former quarterback drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the 1960 NFL Draft. Mike Jones played college football at San Jose State University for the Spartans and is a former high school football coach and teacher.
Who is the father of Brent Jones?
His father Mike is a former quarterback drafted by the Oakland Raiders in the 1960 NFL Draft. Mike Jones played college football at San Jose State University for the Spartans and is a former high school football coach and teacher.