How about Arca (musician)'s genre?
Arca (musician) Genre: Experimental music, Electronic dance music, MORE
How old is Arca (musician)? When is Arca (musician)'s birthday? Where is Arca (musician) born? Where did Arca (musician) grow up from? What's Arca (musician)'s age?
Arca (musician) Born: October 14, 1989 (age 33years), Caracas, Venezuela
How about Arca (musician)'s full name?
Arca (musician) Full name: Alejandra Ghersi
How about Arca (musician)'s record label?
Arca (musician) Record label: XL Recordings, Mute Records, UNO NYC, Hippos in Tanks
How about Arca (musician)'s province?
Arca (musician) Province: Ontario
How about Arca (musician)'s songwriting partner?
Arca (musician) Songwriting partner: Bjrk, Kanye West, Rosala, FKA twigs, MORE
What is Arca known for?
Alejandra Ghersi, better known by the stage name Arca, is an electronic musician and producer. In addition to her solo career, she has collaborated with artists such as Bjrk, Kanye West, FKA Twigs, Rosala, Kelela, and Frank Ocean. She also contributed original music to the video game Red Dead Redemption II.
Where is Arca from?
It is the first studio album to feature lead vocals by Arca herself, sung in her native language of Spanish.
What language does Arca sing in?
It is the first studio album to feature lead vocals by Arca herself, sung in her native language of Spanish.